
Thursday, May 3, 2012

A day in pictures!

Some of my favorites bloggers have done these 'day in the life' or 'picture an hour' posts and I really enjoy them so I spent yesterday documenting my day! I just used the camera on my phone rather than lug my Nikon around

Most days I'm up at 5am so I have time to get dressed and ready before everyone else wakes up but being up twice a night with Ivy kinda throws a wrench in my plans and I take what sleep I can get! I'm always up by 7am though - so this is a 7 am day...

Coffee with the Lovin Man

this is one of my favorite times of the day-we usually talk about our plans for that day or evening before he heads out to the daily grind.

After he leaves I'll eat breakfast,
(this morning it was toasted bagels with whipped mango butter-its amazing)
and have my 'quiet time'

If its a 5am day this is already done-otherwise it happens now, after Michael leaves and before the girls wake up

Good Morning Gwen!  I put food in her belly pretty much the second she wakes up otherwise there is much whining and crying and general gnashing of teeth

She asked to do school as soon as she woke up so I decided to seize the moment and oblige

we did Math and her little devotional and then she wanted to play.  This was my chance to blast my still damp from last nights shower hair with the blow dryer,  throw it up in hot rollers,

and put my game face on. This is my game face:

hot rollers are the way to go-they're a multitaskers dream...

Good Morning Ivy!
She actually woke up right when I was taking the rollers out so Gwen talked to (read terrorized) her while I finished

 After Ivy had her breakfast  I spent a few minutes just admiring how beautiful my little girls are
-and silly-

 but mostly adorable   

 enough admiring! time to get dressed!
Gwen gets options

Ivy doesn't

 1,                                                                     2

 3 girls dressed and ready and heading out the door for

10am: Storytime!!

 our Library has a wonderful storytime every Wednesday at 10.  This week the kids fingerpainted after the story

11am: Leaving the Library and headed to HEB for a few groceries


12 pm
Home again! 
Lunch then naptime

um-I don't know why I didn't take another picture where Gwen was making a normal face...

Gwen and I read some stories while Ivy slept-I'm trying really hard to make sure I spend some alone quality time with her and Ivy usually takes a good 3 hour nap right around here.  And yes. that is a spiderman book.

Otherwise known as 'mommy sanity hour!'
I did computer stuff (read wasted time) while the girls slept/rested

and avoided this pile of laundry

don't worry I folded it ...eventually

Ivy actually woke up with a dirty diaper about 1:30 and fell back to sleep at 3, and Gwen got up from her rest at 3- so they're obviously plotting against me and tag teaming...

More mommy chores!
diaper stuffing!
dish washing!
 floor sweeping!

and outside playtime for Gwen
I had a fitting for a prom dress - that I didn't take pictures during because -awwkward
but here is a picture of the sparkly trim I'm adding to the dress

making a salad for small group tonight!
looking at food made me hungry so I snacked on some chips and jalapeno dip right out of the blender because I'm classy like that
this dip is seriously delicious.

Small Group! 
Small group is our weekly bible study with some couples from our church-they're an awesome group:) we're studying James right now.
This is the fail part of today's blog because I completely forgot to take pictures of anything at all.  But the food was good, the conversation stimulating and the kids wore themselves out in the backyard. I call that a win, win, win.

Home from small group! We put Gwen to bed, (her normal bedtime is 7:30-except on Wednesdays!) and I fed Ivy one last time (until 3am anyway)

Michael and I got ready for bed ourselves and fell asleep almost immediately! We have to be well rested so we can do it all again tomorrow and this is way too late for us-because we're old people now...

There it is my day in pictures-I hope you enjoyed it! Its a lot harder than you'd think to remember to take pictures all day! 
So now I'd like to see your day! In pictures please:)