
Friday, July 27, 2012


Just kidding. I hate math. What I love is this Pottery Barn inspired artwork that cost next to nothing to recreate!

 You wanna make one too??
 You'll need:

* A Frame. I got mine at the goodwill outlet for $7.
 (I pretty much never pay full price for a frame-spray paint is your friend people!)
 * White foam board
* Scissors 
*A writing utensil of some sort
* Black acrylic paint
*A hard angled paintbrush
* A teensy bit of artistic ability ;)

First you'll need to choose your font. I used 'mouse deco' from my favorite font website

 Print and cut out a template! For my frame size, a 16x28,  I made the number size 575.

For the plus sign and equals line I measured the width of the letters and cut strips from the same piece of paper.

Cut out a piece of foam board to fit the frame

And trace the letters on. I taped them down while I traced-no shifty business

Now-paint those numbers!   In a dark room preferably.  With a 4 yr old present to bump you if

 smooth out the bumps...

 Then stick it in your frame and admire!
 This was a super cheap project -I already had everything to make it! but even if you had to purchase all of the supplies it probably wouldn't cost more than $20.  And in case you didn't realize its 2 parents plus 2 children= 4 in our family! When another little one comes along I'd love to make a 2+3 one to add and someday have a little display of flashcards.