Tuesday, November 6, 2012

weekend + update

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 OK good. Now.
Occasionally when I've been a bad blogger I'll do a little instadump to get you up to speed and that's exactly whats going on here!
We of course went trick or treating-my little crow was a big hit and we have enough candy to ring in the new year...
We also dressed up one last time for my sister's Halloween party

I am Elizabeth Bennett and Michael is the beloved Mr Darcy.
Please tell me you know who that is. A disheartening amount of people had no idea.

There were some pretty fantastic costumes...

The Friday following Halloween we went to the Nature and Science Center for a field trip!
They have a "dino pit' Where the kids can pretend to be paleontologists and  dig up cement molds of bones.

Everyone was nice and dirty by the time we left!


I've also been knitting my fingers off lately.
I made this hat and I love it:)

mostly because of its gigantic pom pom.

So that is what we've been up too? How are you? Anything interesting going on?
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  1. That crow costume is fantastic. I mean really really fantastic. Did you MAKE that!?



    1. Hi:)
      I did! Its a leotard with a tutu that I cut in half along the seam and sewed along the shoulders for wings! Then I made a tail with cardboard and covered it and the mask with feathers-I added the beak to the mask ;) I also wrapped a feather boa all around her body and voila! Crow! lol She thought it was the bees knees and it ended up being very simple to put together!

  2. I LOOOVE the crow costume!

    I'm having a giveaway on my blog if you're interested :)
